Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is a “Higher Mind Enlightment stone” – it amplifies the higher vibrations, making it easier to feel connected to your spiritual aspects, easier to perceive life from the Higher Mind perspective. Because it is neutral, it can be programmed by the wearer to radiate any desired mental beneficial frequency. Clear crystal is a general balancer; it makes everything work well together inside you – physically, emotionally and mentally. It can be used for amplification of spiritually beneficial patterns in order to override the stuck karmic overlays. It is a “master healer stone” and can be used for internal and external healing of any condition or situation because it tends to bring the wearer into the most perfect state of balance possible at that time. Physically is heals the nervous system and amplifies the etheric health blueprint, releasing any disease. It is a deep clearing stone, bringing all energy bodies into purity of their original design. It relates the physical world to the Higher Mind and vice versa. It is connected to the energies of the Sun and the Moon simultaneously, balancing electric/masculine and magnetic/feminine within you. It is a powerful amplifier of magic/beneficial unknown.


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